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  • Writer's pictureAlbin Glasell

Going out on the field with SÄGEN

This week Sägen Film was hired to assist director Julia Dinome in the woods, capturing some great visuals and sounds. It was a fun little experience and now we're rolling out on all forms of fields outside of the sägenverse itself - we're taking on missions from other filmmakers in need of our services!

It's a natural evolution of our lifestyle, one step closer to spending each day in the filmmaking realm - our dream is to of course keep creating our own films, while also helping and elevating other creators. Within the six of us in Sägen Film we've got a full range of creatives from script supervision to color grading and absolutely everything in between.

Later this summer, we've been hired to coordinate and enhance a short film from a production company in Stockholm, with the shoot set in Halland, our domain.

This is a simple shameless message: we LOVE making films and also LOVE to help others.

So if you happen to have any gaps in YOUR crew, give us a call.

We will answer and ride at dawn. Shoot us a message at

Have a good one and a good summer!

Bjarki Kjellsson doing some drone phography and Robert Gudbjörnsson recording the sounds of the forest at the production of "Mating Call", a documentary by Julia Dinome.

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